Presidential wannabe dodging judicial bullet


In an attempt to delay his processes, former President Ricardo Martinelli continues to present appeals linked to the famous “principle of specialty”, a lifeline that deflated long ago, when the Supreme Court of Justice ruled that it was no longer applicable to him. However, he insists that it be recognized, even though it is a matter of court, just to buy time, because, as he has admitted in the past, he needs to be president of Panama. These methods represent procedural disloyalty from every point of view and show the kind of values of a subject who does everything in his power to evade justice. Although his lawyers have the right to exercise a defense using whatever legal instrument exists, the truth is that many have already been exhausted, so it constitutes abuse to present them again. Ricardo Martinelli seems willing to do anything in order not to face the processes in which he appears as a defendant. And this brings us to the issue of the moral solvency of all those who seek the presidential seat. And we citizens must take this very seriously since later there will be no excuses if a thief, a mythomaniac or an incompetent arrives at Las Garzas. –  LA  PRENSA, May 2.