NEW BUSINESS: Legal rascals performing with bad taste



If there is something that has become very clear in the trial that began yesterday in the New Business case, it is the wish of at least one of the defendants that it is not held under any circumstances.

So much so that yesterday, in an attempt to stop the trial, they sought out a lawyer who has no relationship with this process, but who had a relationship with the judge in the case 17 years ago. This lawyer –whose only letter of introduction is that fortuitous fact– also absurdly asked to postpone the trial to see the file, without counting the pathetic role he played by acknowledging that he did not know the case or, in the middle of the hearing, requesting recesses for his physiological needs.

Surely he pays any of the lawyers on his “dream team” in one day what the prosecutor earns in a month, supposedly to obtain the best defense, but what we see are legal rascals in poor taste; dastardly actions that betray unparalleled cowardice; Elementary breaches of ethics, and an absence of dignity and professional performance that borders on vomiting. His lawyers will leave their mark, yes, but not because of his brilliant defense, but because they became clones of a pusillanimous and unpresentable client. – LA PRENSA, May 24.