OPINION:  Disinformation Mercenaries


The investigation carried out by media outlets in the region, together with a Venezuelan organization that denounces misinformation, as well as digital specialists, confirm what thousands of users of social networks suspected: the existence of call centers who work in favor of presidential candidates –in this case, the PRD– and who harass, as well as misinform, other candidates, through the use of dirty campaigns on social networks. There are even government institutions that have contracted the services of these pseudo-communication and advisory companies, to which they have paid tens of thousands of dollars for services that we can only suspect. It is a waste of money for unholy purposes, financed with taxpayer money. Politicians and officials make use of these services and then –in networks– condemn double standards, when, at the same time that they swear to be respectful of the electoral tournament, they hire these disinformation mercenaries to attack their political adversaries. Isn’t this a double standard? Demagogues of the worst kind, drunk with power and arrogance, willing to do the unspeakable to achieve their objectives, allying themselves with companies that operate in that world from which creatures like the current Venezuelan president, declared enemies of democracy, emerge. You hypocrites! – LA PRENSA, Jul.31.