A coffin designed to bury government scandals

The document that the Executive has sent to the National Assembly to repeal and replace the Transparency Law is nothing more than a crude attempt to shield the closet where all scandals have been stored. The Executive says that the model used to draft the new law is one of the Organization of American States (OAS) on access to public information, but such a statement is false, as are their intentions to improve the Transparency Law. What they have done is take part of that model and adapt it to their needs to hide, to cover up their scandals, which are not few. What the OAS is proposing as a guarantor body is nothing like what the Executive is proposing. What’s more, they distance themselves in opposite directions. For example, the guarantor agency proposed by the OAS is an independent entity, while the Executive is, in fact, a branch of the Presidency. So don’t lie to us so blatantly. What is in the Assembly is a coffin to bury everything illegal that the officials have done; their mistakes, their lies, so that we don’t realize that the corruption in this government leaves the former mentors of the Government –the military– as true infants. – LA PRENSA, Aug. 30.