Survey gives Cortizo government thumbs down


A public opinion study, commissioned by La Prensa, has confirmed what we have all felt for a long time: that the government of Laurentino Cortizo is a complete failure. But the credit for this fiasco is not his alone. Cortizo has and has had in his government characters from his closest circle, who have been directly responsible for his failure, including his vice president, who, if someone badly remembers him in the survey, is because he is spending money to two hands, now that he is dedicated to politics. For Cortizo, it is not at all meritorious that, less than a year after his term ends, only 11% of those surveyed applaud his management, describing it as “good” or “very good”, and 5 out of 10 criticize it , indicating that its performance is “bad” or “very bad”, while almost 40% find it mediocre. – LA PRENSA, Sep. 1