Former Minister threatens  more of the same


A former Minister of State, who also acts as a political advisor in the campaign of his former boss, has made an execrable comment on social networks that is also a clear threat. Regardless of whether he has repented and deleted what he said, this character seems to forget that, although the comments that motivated his hurtful words are questionable, if people make them it is because they took the example of the one he now defends. Or does he not remember how much other people’s lives his former boss messed with? Don’t you remember when you aired the private life of a journalist? Or other people’s conversations illegally listened to? Did the former minister not read his own comment?: “For many years I dedicated myself to running dirty campaigns and destroying the lives of many families around the world.” And now, When the fruits of your unscrupulousness come to life through comments you don’t like, do you threaten to do the same thing again? The fact that this society is cynical is largely due to its government, which with its words and actions taught many to get rid of modesty, respect and decency. And now we must all suffer its hateful and despicable inheritance. — LA PRENSA, Sep. 26.