OPINION: An infamous legacy pending


The blockade of the Inter-American highway, which has isolated a large part of the population in the west of the country, must cease immediately. The authorities are obliged to restore order to guarantee said population the full enjoyment of their fundamental rights immediately. Otherwise, the consequences could result in a greater crisis, including a health crisis, since in some towns it is not even possible to collect garbage due to a lack of fuel. It is evident that the groups that maintain these closures do not respond to the best interests of the inhabitants of those provinces, so the question then remains: Whose interests do they respond to? For the same reasons, teachers and professors must return to teaching classes on a regular basis. If they really want this to be a prosperous country, they must stop sacrificing the education of young Panamanians who already have enough lags. The loss of classes can never be the collateral damage of a citizen’s claim, no matter how legitimate it may be. Allowing it would be the most infamous legacy that the government of President Laurentino Cortizo and the educators themselves could leave. – LA PRENSA,  Nov. 7.