Police chief planned to kidnap US citizens during invasion –report

Panama’s current police chief, Perez de la Ossa was discharged from the National Police in1990 after planning to kidnap US citizens duing the 1989 invasion says Panama America in a lead story.

The paper also claims that Perez de la Ossa, was also investigated to determine if he had hidden firearmsat his residence
A memorandum of the police force marked “secret” notes that Perez de la Ossa, who was second in command of the Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (UESAT) – implemented a "plan to kidnap U.S. citizens" at the Marriott Hotel, on December 20 1989.


At that time, the rules of the National Police, Article 118, typified as a "failure" to take hostages during a military action as a disciplinary board decided to discharge him. The paper reproduced a copy of the memorandum.

One of the signatures is the most prominent of the missing former Defense Forces (FFDD), Miguel M. German, father of PRD Deputy Michael German.

The taking of hostages is prohibited in any military action, under Article 34 of the Geneva Convention adopted on August 12, 1949 of which Panama is a signatory
A former senior official of the extinct FFDD, , told Panama América there was a "verbal agreement" between the security forces under the leadership of Colonel Eduardo Herrera, and former Solicitor General, Rogelio Cruz, that Perez de la Ossa and other officers were not prosecuted, because the action was considered a "war crime".

Cruz, meanwhile, said he "could not recall the case" "Without wishing to draw the body, I had little to do with him (Herrera) …. He thought himself a Noriegaist (Manuel Antonio), until he fell into disgrace, "he said.

Faced with these discrepancies, Cruz urged the deputy prosecutor, Giuseppe Bonissi to initiate an investigation to determine "what had actually happened."

The source-linked with the process, reaffirmed "the commitment was to deal with the case a policedisciplinary measure" and prevent the officers, including Perez de la Ossa, from being criminally prosecuted and imprisoned.

Panama America says it made “enormous efforts to get the version of Perez de la Ossa” but he is outside the country and  , there was no response to a proposal  presented to his spokesman, Roberto Ballesteros, to get the answers via email.

"William “Billy” Ford, vice president during the post-invasion government, said he was "surprised" by the information which he deemed "very serious".

"I had not heard this news until now, because at that time there was much chaos and the new government had priorities," he said.
Perez de la Ossa joined former FFDD on March 26, 1985 to serve in the Battalion 2000. A year later he was transferred to UESAT, and rose to the second in command.

On December 20, 1989 he executed the plan to kidnap U.S. citizens in the Marriott Hotel, "after a call from captain Alex Garrido, who ran the UESAT.

The aim was to take them hostage to exchange for Panamanian military. This never happened because in the "mismatch" with the senior leadership of the former FFDD the initial invasion, they decided to free them. The plan was ordered by Major Gonzalo "Chalo Gonzalez

The official document also reveals that "Perez de la Ossa did not graduated from any military academy and joined the former FFDD through the relationship between his father, Gustavo Perez, a prominent financier, and former General Noriega.