Judge of the Second Superior Court of Justice sent on vacation for alleged corruption

Judge Geneva Aguilar De Ladron de Guevera of the Second Superior Court of Justice has gone on  vacation as investigations are being carried in regards to problems with failed drug cases handled at his office.

Hernan De Leon has been standing in as judge since  Wednesday  May 12.

Unaware of the existence of an internal investigation, De Ladron de Guevara said that at her office everything went “normal”  She also said,  that she wasn’t given any explanations when told she would be sent on vacation. “I don’t know what do to, I’m surprised” she told La Prensa.

De Ladron de Guevara thinks it’s necessary to clarify all the facts since it has raised  doubts about her role  in the Justice System, even though the investigation doesn’t concern her directly, but two of her assistants. The decision to send her on vacation was taken at the Fourth Chamber of General Affairs, according to Aníbal Salas President of the Court.

Hernan De Leon, Guevara’s temporary replacement has worked as an adviser to the Presidency and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. He was also legal advisor to the Office of the Ombudsman in 1998 and 1999 as well as Director of the Public Administration Complaints.

Guevara became a magistrate in 2007 when the then Andres Almendral was dismissed for alleged corruption along with his deputy Vallespi Rolando Latorraca who was suspended  for 30 days.