Rector rejects charges of misuse of University funds

The rector of the University of Panama (UP), Gustavo Garcia de Paredes has rejected charges that he used University resources to help his re-election bid.

García de Paredes said onFriday (June4) the allegations come from a "group of people" who do not feel safe about the results of the referendum to address the issue of re-election scheduled for June 9

The chancellor added that there was lack of evidence to support the allegations: "What has been said has to be proved."

García de Paredes said his opponents, rather than presenting unsubstantiated allegations should present a better proposal for the improvement of the UP.
He said the University was "very careful" that its money was not used for political purposes especially now with a referendum seeking to approve an amendment to the rules to allow immediate reelection. He said that all the money passes through the control of the Comptroller General of the Republic.

Complaints about the use of resources of the UP for re-election were presented, Thursday, by members of the “No” Coordinating Committee for re-election of the rector.