Mass demonstrations against Martinelli government

In spite of heavy rain over 60 organizations, including unions social groups and environmentalists gathered in Panama on Thursday (June 17) to protest the passing of the 9-1 bill.governing the environment. labor laws and the penal code.

The bill lamends three codes and introduces a series of controversial laws.,  and has united disparate groups including business organizations, professionala, workers and enviro<nmentalists.haThe marches  were the first of promised mass demonstrations against the Martinelli government.with the prospect of a general strike to follow in July.

Similar marches were held across the country.
Demonstrators. W ith banners denouncing ministers of state and shouting slogans. many aimed, directly at the president, marched peacefully through persistent rain to the presidential place.
"The authorities are underestimating the ability to of the Panamanians to review the topics they are interested in," saidbenvironmental activist Raiza Banfield Among the protesters were doctors, health care workers . teachers, university professors, construction workers employees of companies involved in food production and numerous environmental groups.{jathumbnail off}

Banfied argued that changes in the environmental law were against the principles of each of the agreements that Panama has signed with international organizations.

The changes made in environmental matters will affect investments in Panama in terms of sustainability.she said.

The march took place just afew days before the completion of Martinelli’s first year in office,
Under a persistent rain, union members, environmentalists, doctors, teachers, civil servants, students and civil society groups marched to demand the repeal of the law that reformed three codes and six national laws. Onlooker cheered from sidewalks and balconies.

The law, the most controversial approved by the current administration, provides, among other things, the possibility of eliminating the environmental assessment officer, and limits the right to strike.

With placards with messages such as "Panama is not for sale" and shouting slogans against the government and deputies, the peaceful demonstrators from Parque Porras to Independence Square, near the Presidential Palace.

The protesters delivered a letter to the presiden demanding the repeal of the lbill znd   called for another rally on June. 29

Guilds and the  National Council of Organized Workers discussed the possibility of calling a general strike.