Peaceful protest march ends with harsh exchanges

A peaceful protest march in Panama calling for better health care and the repeal of contraversial Law 30, ended with verbal confrontations on Thursday when it was met by leaders of the governing party Democratic Change (CD).

Passport chief Luis Cortez chased from sceneThe march started at the El Carmen church on Via Espana, and was to end at the at the headquarters of the Ombudsman’s Office on Calle 50.
It was attended by civil society associations, student groups and trade unionists
The march started at 4:00 pm but when the marchers reached their destination they were confronted by a group of leaders from CD waving white handkerchiefs after having lodged a complaint asking for an investigation into the alleged charge of causing false reports against Government in the "disappearance" of the Indian Valentine Palacio. 

 Among the officials on the picket line were Luis Cortez, director of Passports; Rafael Cohen, an official of the Presidency of the Republic, and Isaac Ruiz, chairman of the board of the Professional Front CD.
Both groups started shouting slogans. The secretary general of the Public Defender, Carlos Vasquez, and a police officer tried to mediate to avoid violence.

The face off came at a time when business executives a few blocks away were warning of damage to Panama’s investment rating because of recent events reflecting stability.
After a few minutes, some marchers’ supporters followed the CD members, particularly Cortez and Ruiz, for several blocks. 
Another labor group, Frenadeso, conducted a picket at the Supreme Court to ask that the law 30 be declared unconstitutional.