20 books of case files in bribery investigation missing from Supreme Court

Twenty books of case files amountingt 3,265 pages, relating to the Cemis alleged bribery investigation have disappeared from the archives of Panama’s Supreme Court  says the prosecutor , Judge Alejandro Moncada Luna, 


He called upon the lawyers of Deputy Carlos Tito Afu to provide copies to replace the missing information.

Afu fired the first shots leading to the investigation when, in the national assembly,  he brandished bunches of dollars, allegedly offered as bribes. 

 The files contain reports of bank accounts and phone calls from legislators who formed the Assembly in 2001, when it approved the contract for a multimodal center project, industrial and service sectors (Cemis) in the province of Colon.
The Cemis investigation concerns the alleged bribery of National Assembly legislators. Meanwhile the lawyers of former President Martin Torrijos will present a challenge against Moncada Luna, based on his relationship with the lawyer Gonzalo Moncada, a former supporter and friend of Afu
Afu and Torrijos have been summoned for questioning by Moncada Luna.
Torrijos is currently in South America, visiting various countries
He has not yet been personally served with the order to attend for questioning, as it is on a tour of various South American countries. From Argentina, he said that justice in Panama is used as an "instrument of political persecution."
It is unknown when he will return to the country.
La Prensa, carried on Wednesday a full page summary of the prosecution, and the statements of key witnesses including another former president, Ernesto Perez Balladares.