Mayor Bosco dumps garbage problem on predecessor

Panama City Mayor Bosco Vallarino has taken a new tack in assigning blame for the city’s continuing  garbage crisis.

After over a year in office he has discovered that 50 garbage trucks are missing, and has filed a complaint against his predecessor, Juan Carlos Navarro, for the alleged disappearance of the trucks belonging to municipal waste agency Dimaud.
In filing the complaint, Vallarino presented the results of a report prepared by a security consultant that examined the decision by Navarro to discard the vehicles as scrap.
"The report says that…they could not locate the trucks," Vallarino said, adding that no income was found from the sale of the vehicles.
Vallarino has also filed a complaint against Navarro, a potential presidential candidate in 2014, for nepotism.
Meanwhile President, Ricardo Martinelli, said Wednesday (August 25,) that he does not care if the mayor of Panama or the new urban and household Authority whose creation is being discuss in the National Assembly) is responsible for waste collection.

According to Martinelli, what matters is that the Panamanian people’s garbage is collected quickly and efficiently. "We want them picking up trash," he told local media.

This new institution being discussed would take away the power of municipalities to collect the garbage, something Mayor Bosco has rejected .
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