Panamas treasurers future in the balance says mayor Bosco

The future of Panama’s treasurer, Emerardo Martinez is “on the table” said the city’s mayor Bosco Ricardo Vallarino ."It’s something we have considered but nothing is yet official,"  he said  on RPC Radio.

Bosco Vallarino

Vallarino, who earlier in the year blamed his poor performance on his management team. before firing them, has complained of low revenue collection for the municipality  when compared with  projections. 

Therefore, said Bosco "we will make some decisions within a short period to make changes and improve the collection."

His recently named advisor to the Municipality, Jose Isabel Blandon, questioned, the Panama’s Treasury for giving "peace and conditional exception" to people who are not up to date with payments, making it impossible for the city to get things done
Until July, the Municipality of Panama had a deficit of  $9 million.
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