Mayors advisor attacks city treasurer for negligence

Jose Blandon, the new eminence gris in the administration of Panama’s mayor, Bosco Vallarino has accused the municipal treasurer, Emerardo Martinez. of negligence.

Based on a report by a Spanish company in charge of debt recovery for the municipality, Blandon said Martinez, a fellow member of the Panamenista Party, issues certificates of exemption to people who owe money to the municipality, without making payment arrangements.

The report reveals says Blandon, that about 400 certificates have been issued costing the city in excess of $ 1 million a month.

He alleged That Martinez has stopped assigning debts of more than $2 million. Martinez, who has  been asked to submit his resignation declines to discuss the case and says he will wait for the filing of formal complaints against him.

"I’m still the Municipal Treasurer. And let’s be clear: my time ends on December 31, 2011," he said.

Meanwhile Mayor Bosco more has been keeping a low profile since government deputy Blandon became the power behind the throne, but reports say that on Monday, September 6, he plans to fire Martinez, but that requires the ratification of the municipal council.