Bringing justice to a Panamanian martyr

What the Papers Say

La Prensa September 13

The memory of Hugo Spadafora still lives in the minds of many Panamanians. Idealistic as few are , the so-called "guerrilla doctor" did more than dream of a just world. He personally participated in revolutions against dictatorial regimes outside the national borders and within the country.

He boldly faced Manuel Antonio Noriega and paid with his life after being tortured and abused by several soldiers who were tried and convicted, but who, before the overthrow of Noriega. had enjoyed total impunity. Twenty-five years have passed since he was brutally murdered.

Hugo Spadafora was a victim of the military, as were more than a hundred people who disappeared, or like the priest Hector Gallego, killed for daring to oppose the government of the barracks.

Today, his example should be commended by  the authorities as an example to the young. . In turn, General Noriega, responsible for the death of the doctor should  serve out his sentence in France and  returned to Panama to pay for his brutal murder. That would do justice to Hugo Spadafora.