UK group welcomes new partners to Panama

The Halcrow Group Ltd a leading British engineering consultancy, held a reception recently,  at the residence of British Ambassador Richard Austen to welcome two new partners to their Panama Office.

Halcrow provides planning, design and management for infrastructure development in over 70 countries worldwide laregly specializing in shipping, real estate, transportation, and water resources.

In Panama the company has been participated  in projects like the container terminals in Panama Ports in Panama and Colon, the Cristobal Cruise Terminal, studies of water and wastewater in Panama City, traffic flow studies, audits of environmental and social compliance, the water treatment plant at Laguna High, and rural development programs aimed at supporting small and medium producers..
The company has been involved in development in Panama since 1996 and has over 6,000 employees and partners around the globe

Pictured are Ambassador Richard Austen (left) and Julian Johanson-Brown, Halcrow Maritime Project Director.

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