Environmental authority faces 2nd corruption investigation

Panama’s national environment authority (Anam), widely believed to give approval to doubtful projects in return for a “facilitator” payment, is facing a second investigation for corruption.

Businessman Manuel Bárcenas has filed a complaint that stated officials from the agency asked him for a bribe to streamline paperwork.

The Anti corruption Prosecutor's Office has already produced telephone recordings implicating two staff members.
Anam Administrator Javier Arias said that the two employees  have been fired.
"Unfortunately, it's a practice that has not been monitored closely enough," he told La Prensa
The officials allegedly demanded a payment of $200 monthly or else they would halt one of Bárcenas' projects.
An earlier case is still under investigation. In July Ardan International filed a complaint that Anam officials asked for an $800,000 payment to approve an environmental impact study.