Employers note: Domestic workers signed up for social security

Over 2,000 domestic workers were enrolled in Panama’s Social Security program at an information seminar on Sunday (November 20).

Officials said the response was beyond expectations. All attending received a Social Security card and a letter stating that they can use the services of the entity.
There are an estimated 56,000 domestic workers in the country but before the fair, only about 6,000 were registered with Social Security.
Enrollment in the pension scheme is mandatory for domestic employees, not an elective choice said Social Security Director Guillermo Sáez-Llorens
Another information meeting will be upcoming. Employers of domestic workers, should check out their responsibilities.
If you go to the search box on the Newsroom home page and type in Williams Arosemena, you will find a recent article referring to maids by our legal columnist that should prove helpful.