Traffic purgatory leading to better things is under way

MONDAY FEB 1. Today, Valentine’s Day, is day one of the promised years long traffic purgatory in Panama city, as it moves towards creating a genuine public transport and road user system.
The first of promised road closures will be on a relatively small strip, Justo Arosemena (betweenNovember 3rd Avenue and 24th Street East), opposite the Social Security Fund, building.
The road, leading into 5 de Mayo, will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians.
This will allow work on the relocation of utilities (water, electricity and telephones),sp work can start on the construction of the city’s first subway system.
Metro bus stops near the Social Security clinic will be moved.
A government press release says The area will be properly marked for the benefit of the public.  Other announcements will be made in the coming weeks as work on flyovers and underpasses starts.