More charges pending in deaths at detention center

More charges are pending against  police officers who were present when five young prisoners died in a police fire at a Panama juvenile detention center.

Homicide charges have already been filed against Center Director Iris Cedeño and two guards, Guillermo Ábrego and Alexander De Gracia.

The investigation into the deadly fire at the  center in Tocumen in January is progressing says Attorney General José Ayú Prado.
Prosecutor Geomara de Jones is focused on identifying the persons who were present on the day of the fire and determining the degree of responsibility of each.
The fire was started when police firedtear gas canister into the cell of the victims. Police stood by while the victims screamed for help Five died and two are still hospitalized with serious burns.
Prado, in a wide-ranging interview with La Prensa  said he is contemplating making staff changesat the Public Ministry to better meet the demands of the community.