Another delay in Metro bus system, but its coming

Panama’s Metro bus system has had another hiccup and the latest date for it to be completely operational is April 2012.

A far cry from the original projections of January 2011, but progress is being made.

Minister of the Presidency, Jimmy Papadimitriu, says that, the mass public transit system will launch routes along the Corredor Norte after the Carnival March 5-8.

“ Soon” service will then expand to the rest of the capital, said the minister.
The Ministry of Communications recalled says that on the Corridor Sure, the new buses will launched on the Pacora and Felipillo routes.
Currently there 120 buses operating on Corredor Sur routes departing from Pedregal, Don Bosco, Las Mañanitas, Tocumen, San Pedro, La Doña, and Concepción.
The long promised magnetic card payment system for the new fleet of public transit buses will, if on schedule, be ready in September this year.
The system will use a rechargeable magnetic card, and a point of sale installed for every thousand inhabitants of the city.