Martinellis ombudsman statements create outrage

President Ricardo Martinelli’s latest pronouncement, this time over the appointment of Panama’s ombudsman has outraged constitutional experts and church leaders.

Ricardo Martinelli and Patria Portugal

While the search is still on for an ombudsman who, by definition, has to be at arms length from the government, the president said Saturday, February 26 that the next ombudsman will be a woman,

That puts Patria Portugal, who works for the government in the pole position.

Statements by the president have in the past been rubber stamped, with little debate, by the National Assembly

Portugal’s father was killed during the military dictatorship. Manuel Antonio Noriega whose return to Panama is expected within weeks. He faces trial for the killing.

While Martinelli said  that he is not the one who will choose the candidate, his remarks outraged constitutional scholars.

Miguel Antonio Bernal, an outspoken lawyer and constitutionalist, who ran for mayor against Bosco Vallarino, described the remarks as "reprehensible," and said the statements were enough to disqualify Portugal.

Archbishop José Domingo Ulloa urged members of the National Assembly,  to choose an independent person.

"This person must have a well-defined criteria of ethics and values," he said.

Martinelli was meeting with party officials to prepare for the Cambio Democrático  convention in March when the party is slated to merge with the Unión Patriótica to firm up its hold on office.