Wide variance found in shopping prices within supermarket chains

The more “upscale” the area in which your local supermarket is located, the more you will pay for your weekly shopping basket with the suppliers charging what the market will bear.

The Consumer Protection and Competition Authority (Acodeco) reports that cost of the basic food basket within the same chain of supermarkets can vary by as much as $21.

During of February, Acodeco found that, consumers shopping at Xtra supermarket in Las Acacias,will find the basket costing $248.12 …. $21.34  less than to Pan de Azúcar in San Miguelito.

A basket at the Calidonia branch of Superr 99 would cost a consumer $258.72 dollars, while the same basket at the Super 99 in San Francisco would cost $276.20..

At the Rey chain of supermarkets, a difference of $17.94 was found among the food at several of its branches; with its headquarters in Santa Ana selling the basket for $269.32, when the Calle 50 branch sells it for $287.26.

Diosa Barahona, of Acodeco, attributed this price differences to the policy of  allowing pricing to be defined by the area in which the supermarket is located and influenced by the perceived purchasing power of the people living there.

Barahona said  that the brand of products tends to vary from one location to another, which can also affect the final price for the customer.

Acodeco recommends that consumers check prices and find alternative products if they see a stark difference in prices.