Uproar over judicial involvement in alleged cabal moving to National Assembly

The uproar  surrounding  published reports of the alleged involvement of senior members of the judiciary in a plot to unseat  the former Attorney General, Ana Matide Gomez, has moved to the National Assembly.

Supreme Court Judge Almengor

At the epi-center  of the  purported scandal  is  Supreme Court Judge José Abel Almengor facing allegations  from  former judge Zulay Rodriguez.

The affair is potentially embarrasing for President Ricardo Martinelli, who hand picked Almengor for the Supreme Court, over the heads of a committee chosen to name appointees.

Almengor had previously worked for Ana Matidle Gomez and ran into criticism when a person under house arrest, for involvement in a major scam investigation appeared in Miami on his watch.

. Meanwhile Almengor has challenged  Rodriguez, saying he as not present at the meetings of a group of lawyers that she alleges formed a cabal to oust the AG. He has called for an investigation into her activities, while La Estrella continues publish details of his activities in other areas in what it has tagged as Wikileaks Latin America

Italo Antinori, alleged to have chaired the cabal, resigned on  the weekend from his post as coordinator of the committee set up by President Martinelli to change the constitution. 

Current Attorney General  Jose Ayu Prado said Monday, March 25, that  it was now the responsibility of the National Assembly to advance the process.

The chairman of the legislature, José Muñoz, said that it will initiate an investigation if the evidence warrants.

Almengor denied involvement in the alleged plot and requested the Chief Justice, Aníbal Salas, audit the actions of the deputy judge. Almengor  said on TVN. while Rodriguez reiterated on  Telemetro that she has evidence for he allegations allegations in 45 emails already registered with a notary

Sociologist Ezequiel Gonzalez filed a complaint with the Assembly to investigate the judges Wilfredo Saez, José Abel Almengor, Alejandro Moncada, Alberto Cigarruista and Winston Spadafora for their ruling that dismissed Gómez.  

Judges and lawyers were reported as attending a long night celebration after she was fired.

The Citizens' Assembly announced on Tuesday,that it is presenting a complaint to the NationalAssembly to open an investigation and determine responsibilities regarding the accusations made ??against  Almengor.

It was brought forward by Carlos Lee, Victor Lewis and Magaly Castillo. 
Lee  speaking on TVN  said said that  the National Assembly should create  a commission to study the allegations
"The involvement of judges in acts punishable by law is sufficient to allow the NationalAssembly begin to collect relevant evidence and open an investigation, "he said.
Castillo said that the Citizens Alliance for Justice, an organization to which she belongs, has called for the resignation of Judge Almengor.
Lewis complained that Almengor has begun attacks on serious groups of civil society as a defense mechanism.