Social Security directors facing charges in poisoning deaths

Four years after at least 165 Panamanians died from ingesting government issued cough syrup other infected citizens are still calling for treatment .and compensation and justice.

The slowly grinding justice wheels have finally arrived with the Public prosecutor’s office calling for charges against two former directors of the Social Security Fund for Their roles in the distribution of medicine tainted with diethylene glycol.

Prosecutors want to charge Juan Jované and René Luciani for “Attempting to undermine public health”.
Prosecutors they were aware of problems in the production of medicine Distributed by the government agency but did nothing.
At least 165 people were killed and hundreds suffered serious illness after taking the tainted medicine. The final death toll may never be known
Nineteen others involved were previously charged.
Meanwhile surviving victims  experiencing complications, are demanding funds to seek alternative treatment. 
Some 25 victims are asking for $423.500. Rima Laibow, from the National Solutions Foundation (NSF) said: "We Propose That These Victims to Be Treated in a natural, non-toxic way to reduce and/or eliminate their symptoms, conditions and disorders," The NSF has submitted a proposal to the Gorgas Memorial Institute, which will have to approve the treatments. Ruth De Leon, chair of the Bioethics Committee of the Gorgas Institute, said the document has yet to be examined.
Thousands of people became ill and are suffering from liver damage, kidney failure, and central nervous system problems.