WHAT THE PAPERS SAY Abuse of power and erosion of democracy

La Prensa June  5

In light of recent developments in both the National Assembly and the Supreme Court of Justice, with  the dismissal of the prosecutor Ana Matilde Gomez and the appointment of two judges by the president   the predictions made by the former  U.S. ambassador Barbara Stephenson -in reports leaked by WikiLeaks – on the weakness of democracy in Panama and the enormous risk of abuse of power, could not have been more accurate.

Ricardo Martinelli

From day one, when Martinelli, wearing the presidential sash,  announced to the world that  he would rule with "firmness" but "without finesse,” the alarms were activated.

And thereafter, the ominous signs  multiplied,
 Cables exposed  the pressures on the legislative and judicial bodies as well as prosecutors..
 The  U.S. embassy, saw clearly that  Martinelli would be a difficult partner and decided to keep a safe distance.
 The apprehensions of the U.S. embassy staff, led by former Ambassador Stephenson,were based on the dangerous combination formed by coupling the strong personality of the president with  what they perceived as his lack of commitment to the 'rule of law "in a society in which the Executive has  superpower plus the popularity of a President electedwith 62% of the vote.
 These elements, interpreted Stephenson, "have enormous potential to erode Panama's democratic institutions."