Profiting from the path of progress

By Jack Gordon Smith

One of the best known tactics to make the most of any land or property acquisition is to place your investment in the path of progress.

If you have both the vision and the courage to do this, the profit potential can be huge. The multiples achievable on land appreciation regularly eclipse anything that that can reasonably be realised on any other form of investment. Parcels of land, which previously might have sold for a few cents per square metre, can easily appreciate to $100 or more once the infrastructure has been put in place.

Hitting that land investment jackpot may involve a degree of luck but for certain you need to have a clear vision. For instance, who would have guessed 45 years ago that an area of coastal swamp land on the Caribbean coast of Mexico would turn into Cancun, one of the largest beach resorts in the world as it is today, with hundreds of inbound flights every week.
There are areas in other parts of Central America particularly Costa Rica, which have turned from inaccessible tracts of farmland into trendy chic playgrounds for the rich and famous, making enormous amounts of money for those with vision along the way.

So where do we go now in order to position ourselves ahead of the next path of progress? In the past Panama has been somewhat ignored, but this has all been changing over the last decade.

The massive expansion of the city which has been building momentum for ten years or more appears to have peaked in the last 12 months. The numbers of cranes breasting the skyline are not quite  as prolific as they were. It is now the Pacific coastline to the west which is receiving greater attention and quite rightly so. 

The opportunity for the greatest gains along the immediate coastline may have already been realised, as much of the infrastructure has been in place for a number of years. It was only ever a matter of time before development would proceed.

 With the announcement of the New International Airport at Rio Hato, development is now going ahead at a massive pace, with the inevitable consequence that areas nearby will benefit from the knock on effect.

So where is it now possible to place yourself in a position to profit from the path of progress, which is sweeping all before it in Panama?
Inland areas are by their nature more plentiful than those with direct coastal access. It is therefore crucial to be selective and acquire a location which either benefits from an outstanding natural beauty or which possesses a unique selling point in the form of a priceless amenity. 

The area around Penonome is still eminently affordable in spite of the fact that it has already begun to blossom from a development viewpoint. In all of Panama, this is the area where these profit multiples remain a short to medium term probability. Furthermore, of all the parcels of land currently available in the area, Cascadas del Tué meets all the criteria in order to profit from the path of progress.
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