Mayor under investigation joins ruling party

Another mayor, under  judicial investigation  has jumped ship and joined Panama's ruling CD (Democratic Change) party.

Chame district mayor Euclides Mayorga, who has run eight times as a Panamenista Party candidate said his decision was based on  looking for "better days for Chame." 

Mayorga, who served of township councilor and in the last two periods mayor, is under   investigation for   alleged embezzlement from the Municipality of Chame,  by judge José Hoo Justiniani of the Third Criminal Court of the Third Judicial Circuit of Chorrera, who earlier in the year had ordered the mayor's suspension from office.
The Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has also  asked for his removal from office  after irregularities  were discovered in an audit performed by the Comptroller General of Panama.
The audit report revealed a loss of $167 000.

The mayor of San Miguelito, left the PRD (Democratic Revolutionary Party) to join the CD while under investigation.