Government hands out big contracts but ignoring health issues PP leader

Panama’s government has been handing out "Pharaonic contracts” while ignoring  priorities like public health says Milton Henriquez, president of the opposition Popular Party.

 He said that  the way the contracts have been awarded suggests that  they "are making very stupid or very suspicious transactions”

Thgovernment should be using the  same speed to  address, for example, the critical situation that has arisen in the Social Security Fund (CSS) particularly in the Hospital in Panama City, said the politician

Henriquez told La Prensa that on March 18, 2011, between 9:15 am and 10:11 am five contractswere handed out  totaling more than $1.5 billion."

The contracts went to three companies Norberto Odebrecht, ICA and FCC.  But, said Henriquez, the striking point is that in two of the bids involved a company Sacyr, which offered a better value did not get the contract.

Another example was the purchase of the North-South corridors. According to Henriquez is not clear why you are paying $ 1.500 billion for two highway when the audits sent to the government reveal that the figure is $500 million. In addition, he said, these amounts have not been included in what it will cost to carry out the so-called "ring road" of the city.