Wrongful death complaint filed against CSS director

A complaint of causing wrongful death by negligence was filed Tuesday against the director of Panama’s Social Security Fund (CSS), Guillermo Sáez-Llorens.

Dr. Mauro Zúñiga  told La Prensa that  he filed the complaint because Sáez-Llorens had been  aware  since August of last year, of the presence of the KPC in the Metropolitan Hospital Complex Arnulfo Arias Madrid, from which at least 16 people have died.

According to the complaint, Sáez-Llorensdid not take the necessary measures after being informed of the problem. The  complaint was filed in the Attorney General's Office, and Zuniga requested an appointment with Attorney General Ayú Jose Prado. 

A retrospective study confirmed the presence of the  anti-biotic resistant pathogenKlebsiella pneumoniae resistant carbapenemase (KPC) in 71 patients in theArnulfo Arias Madrid Hospital

 Felix Bonilla, secretary general of the Ministry of Health (MoH), said the figure refers to people who may be infected or colonized with the KPC.

He clarified that the cases are not new, but the result of a study  of records from August 2010 to today.  The previously quoted figure was 52, 2 with 16 deaths.

The Chief  of CSS Medical Benefits, Javier Diaz said the evidence showed that the 31 patients in the orthopedic ward, who will be transferred to the Regional Teaching Hospital in  December 24, tested negative for the KPC. The transfer will take place Thursday.

Meanwhile the hospital authorities have asked the public to go to the hospital only when absolutely necessary and stress that children and senior citizens should avoid visiting the center.