Panama free park land transfer deal blocked

After a series of governmental flip flops on the free allocation of a large slice of prime real estate in Punta Paitilla, it now carries a sign saying “Government Property”.

Earlier, another  sign had read, “Government property …ROBBERS.”

The sign appeared after an outcry from civic leaders, who demanded an investigation and the immediate firing of two leading officials involved in the deal.

The scandal came to light late last week but was initially brushed aside by President Ricardo Martinelli who responded by Blackberry  to questions from La Prensa that hundreds of thousands of similar transactions had taken place.

In the meantime Finance Minister Alberto Vallarino  and Panama Governor Mayin Correa were questioning the insider deal and calling for investigations.

Prime real estate overlooking the Bay of Panama


Prompted by his advisors the President had a change of heart on Saturday, and during the weekend arrangements were made for the National Land Council to handle the hot potato

Late Monday  it approved a request to the Executive to consider the "expropriation without compensation", of the11,379 sq meters of land  that had been allocated for free and originally had been intended for a park.

The land fronts Via Italia and overlooks the Bay of Panama. In a press release, the Ministry of Housing and Land (Miviot) indicated that the request was made ??on the recommendation of President Martinelli.

The move, according to Miviot, shall be taken in consideration of the heritage of the Nation and it had not been reported, that it had been requested for public use as a park by the city of Panama under two different administrations, without being realized.

The decision was made after a Council meeting attended by Housing and Land Management Minister  Carlos Duboy, Finance and Economy Minister, Vallarino, the administrator of the Tourism Authority, Salomon Shamah,  the Deputy Minister of Development Agriculture, Luis Villarreal, Lucia Chandeck, administrator of the National Environmental Authority and the Director of  the Public Registry, Luis Barria.

The land in question is the product of a filling made by Correa Mayín when she was Mayor of Panama in 1997.  The fill was intended to create space for a park.

On Friday Vallarino told La Prensa that there is sufficient evidence to begin a process of comprehensive audit of the case, since the start of the qualification attempt. The land had been awarded free to Safe Ventures Inc., after a request by Cesar Segura. 
Civil groups have called for an investigation and the immediate dismissal of the head of the National Land AuthorityAlejandro Castillero, and the director of the National registry CadastreAnabelle Villamonte.

Alvin Weeden ex comptroler said   Villamonte Castillero  "must be immediately removed" for her role in allowing the free transfer of the land. Weeden also said the responsibility for this scandal of the Comptroller Gioconda Bianchini. "This is a robbery and the comptroller by her silence is an accomplice of this heritage injury,” he said.
Rev.Pablo Morales  president of the Methodist Ecumenical Committee, said the  the award should be voided  and an investigation initiated to determine responsibilities.
Juan Francisco Kiener, president of the Union of Industrialists of Panama, also called for an investigation of the scandal.