WHAT THE PAPERS SAY: A shameful humiliation

La Prensa. August 31 hoyporhoy

The President, as he tends to speak, has kicked the cat. With his characteristic style he has kicked his running mate into the street.

And, incidentally, he has inflicted a shameful humiliation on the Panamanista’s  who, for  the sake of decency and solidarity with their leader, cannot but quit the Government.

Shattering  the alliance, the president justified the dismissal of Juan Carlos Varela alleged to have neglected his duties as foreign minister. However, the whole country suspected behind the scenes jealousy, calculations and betrayal, as well as business involvement

What a sad ending for a union that had so much to offer the country! Instead, we ended up with incessant political instability. Of course, once again, the governor has lived up to his style.