City wants more time to install “tawdry” displays

The Municipality of Panama  wants to extend the lifetime of this year's Christmas villas on the Cinta Costera in spite  of frequent public derision.

Permission has been granted by the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) to use the strip from December 1 for the  siting of the plastic displays, which have been been named by some as Bosco’s Follies, and have been described as tawdry and tacky. 

Described by many as

The city wants to extend the time from November 11 to give more time to erect the structures. Nadgee Bonilla, manager of municipal services in Panama, said  the municipality  will need   20 days  to install eight  Christmas villas, a nativity scene and a Christmas tree.

MOP minister Federico Suarez said he has told the municipality that they must first meet to discuss issues that should be improved, such as reparations for the damage to the coastal strip.

Bonilla claimed  that last year  $60,000 was 

spent on  repairs. The displays will stay in place until January 6.