Mega tower project still up in the air

Panama’s new  Minister of Economy and Finance, Frank De Lima, said Monday that  the $250 million financial tower project on Avenida Balboa has not been suspended.

He said that while the project pushed  by  his predecessor Minister Alberto Vallarino has been opposed by many sectors, I will  meet with the team that has to do with this project to make a final decision.

"I believe one hundred percent in the concept of the city government and the tower is part of that concept," he told La Prensa.
Earlier, the president, Ricardo Martinelli, defended the construction of the tower But now the president has changed the discourse saying  on Monday that future of the project is in the hands of the new minister, Lima.

 "I wish that you  would ask Frank De Lima, because that is his decision. What Lima says, that's what I have to endorse, "said Martinelli.

For some sectors, the abandonment of the mega projectcoms at the  recommendation of a group of strategists who believe the president's image has been hurt by his support of the 70 story tower,

Milton Henriquez, president of the Partido Popular, said: "The president knows it is not a viable project and  is repudiated by the public and he does not want to take responsibility as President, to decide that the project will not go ahead. so he throws the ball to his minister."
 Civil society activists said it would be an unnecessary investment and that money should be earmarked for social projects.