Great White march of doctors called for Monday

The Panamanian Society of General Medicine (SPMG) has promised full support to the medical unions that have been striking since Oct. 20,  over  the Public Private Partnership scheme.

In a statement, the  guild called on all partners to participate in the "great white march" called for Monday, October 31.

White coats await the march of doctors

The SPMG said that its decision is based on the population finding  itself in an atmosphere of anxiety and uncertainty produced by the  arrogant style of the rulers, and that public health cannot be the business of private parties of any kind.

Another consideration of the guild, which held a on Saturday, is that "Bill 349 allows a relaxation in the duties and obligations of the state, and opens the door for basic services at the mercy of capital and not for the great majority. "

For all the above and considering that despite the rejection of all sectors of the country the Assembly maintains the project schedule, the SPMG "flatly rejects the Bill 349, which favors the privatization of public services and other government institutions ".

The march called for Monday will depart from St. Thomas Hospital at 2:00 pm and will culminate in the National Assembly.

The discussion of the project that creates the Public Private Partnership scheme, which is in second debate, was postponed until the  start the next ordinary session of the National Assembly, scheduled for January 2012.

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Frank De Lima, told La Prensa  on Fridaythat the bill would be amended to exclude health, education and prisons sectors eligible for the new regime, as their spirit has been misunderstood .

The minister said the law would only apply to PPP infrastructure projects.