Bargain of the year awaiting returning snowbirds

By Emilie Gordon

As  our friends and relatives far to the north brace for what threatens to be a long tough winter, judging by record early snow falls on the US eastern seaboard, the “snowbirds” are packing their bags for warmer climes.

A New Yorker in training for snowbird status

Snowbirds are  those folks  who, like Canada geese and monarch butterflies, head south for the winter months,  and in Panama  they will get an especially warm welcome with a  reception organized by the country's fastest growing social network, The CanadaPLUS Club.

On Monday, November 21, at Oldies restaurant, starting at 7 pm, the club will host a Welcome Back Snowbirds reception, with an open bar, offering scotch, vodka rum and local beers and non stop snacking for three hours  that includes ceviche, spicy wings, fried mozzarella, mini bruschetta (meat and chicken) and six more varieties. And it comes for only $15 for members, $20 for non-members.

Now that’s what I call a bargain.

It will also be an opportunity to renew acquaintances with fellow members who come from 22 different countries,  including Panama, and of course to welcome   some of the incoming snowbirds.

The club’s health insurance counselor, Gonzalo De La Guardia will be on hand to answer any insurance questions you may have.

There will be a tombola with a bunch of exciting prizes, to raise funds for candles for the Carols by Candlelight concert in Casco Viejo on  December 3 on behalf of Fundacion Calicanto.

Non members will have the opportunity to sign up, and will get a $5 rebate on their admission price, and will qualify for a membership card offering discounts and special offers from health insurance to restaurants and hotels, printing services and Spanish language courses.

So, if you are a member, a snowbird, or just someone looking for a bargain night out in good company, head for the phone or computer, and order your tickets now, as numbers will be limited to avoid a crush.  Phone:   6619-6890 or email