City mayor signs decree limiting disco hours

Panama’s, mayor  Bosco Ricardo Vallarino, has signed two decrees introducing regulations  to which he had expressed strong opposition.

They cover the regulating the hours of operation and sale of alcohol at nightclubs and other provisions following the publication of government decrees earlier in the month.

According Vallarino, the decrees comply with the wished of "civil society, business and the Chamber of Commerce." 

Under the  new law the hours of operation of nightclubs will be limited and There will be   penalties of fines from of $500 to $ 10,000 for failing to comply. 

In case of recidivism may the fine could be double the earlier penalty and, if considered necessary the cancellation of the relevant permit for sale of alcoholic beverages.

The sale of alcohols in discos and bars  in Panama city  will be restricted 9:00 am until 2:00 am the next day. And from Thursday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 3:00 am the next day. 

When drafting amendments  to the law stores, supermarkets, restaurants, casinos, gambling halls and hotels whose main activity is the sale or no sale of alcoholic beverages, can continue operating after those hours but with a ban on the sale, and free distribution of alcoholic beverages.