Villamonte facing environmental denuciation

Anabelle Villamonte, former director of the National Qualifications Authority of Land Management (Anati) faces a new criminal complaint filed by the Environmental Advocacy Center (CIAM) for alleged crimes against the environment.

Meanwhile under a “country jail” sentence VIllamonte, a lawyer, rests at home. César Segura a  flower seller , also under investigation  in connection with the granting of a free title  of state land located in Paitilla approved by Villamonte, has been jailed.Anabelle Villamonte CIAM executives hope that a successful prosecution of their complaint will put Villamonte behind bars. They  explained that 97% of Panama’s mangroves are  on the Pacific coast with Juan  Hombrón one of the most important areas is known as r Lake Penonomé Mangrove Swamp.
Villamonte is being  investigated for alleged irregularities in the process of giving free title to 54 hectares of ocean frontage in Juan Hombrón to 12 companies and two individuals in an area which is an estuary with abundant mangroves.
A resolutions signed by Villamonte award denies the existence of mangroves but a visit to the area  confirmed otherwise says La Prensa
Felix Solis Wing, executive director of CIAM, said that Article 258 of the Constitution and the Tax Code and Law 80 on islands and coasts, and beaches and prohibits  owning  flooded areas, including mangroves.
The environmentalist said the Penal Code awards  5 to 10 years in prison for a  public servant who titles public property that are the inalienable property of the Nation, as in the case of mangroves.
During an appearance on TVN morning news President, Ricardo Martinelli, said the area of ??Juan Hombrón  is not available. "It's a tongue … behind a river and is full of mangroves, "said the president, while promising  that he would push a law that declared" the Juan Hombrón. However, the ban is already mentioned in Article 10 of Act 80.
The President also said yesterday that he is willing to "roll back the Anati  law."
When asked about the relationship of the Minister of the Presidency, Demetrio Papadimitriu, with theJuan Hombron land deals,areas, Martinelli said he said that he  had denied it. "They have been very unfair to him [Papadimitriu]" he said.
An investigation found that Villamonte  worked for the
César Segura the jailed  flower seller has protested his innocence.
Dionisio Rodriguez, Segura's attorney said his client has official documentation to show that he committed no crime related to the disputed land in Paitilla.