WHAT THE PAPERS SAY: Police Chief Comment offensive

La Prensa: Hoy por Hoy December 21

THE COMMENT by Gustavo Perez, former member of the Panama Defense Forces and current director of the National Police,  that Noriega would have to give permission for the video that recorded  his arrival in El Renacer  to be disclosed to the country, is offensive.

Who is this man? How dare he revere a murderer whose victims have received no justice? Why are the so many considerations? In the newspaper archives are abundant images of peoplebeing processed, including Noriega as he left the country this January 3, 1990.

We speak of images, most of which have been supplied to the media by official sources. Perhaps Mr. Perez does not know, but there is a law in Panama, Law 6 of January 22, 2001, which sets rules for transparency in public management, and refers specifically to the right to information.

But he, a taxpayer-funded official and sworn to serve this country, dares to say that this right is subordinated to a criminal.