Villamonte to spend Christmas in jail

The former director of  Panama’s land titling authority (Anati) Anabelle Villamonte, will spend Christmas behind bars.

On Friday, December 23, the Second Circuit Court granted her $250,000 bail which was not opposed by the Attorney General, Joseph Ayú Prado, but she remains in jail until at least Tuesday, because her lawyers, who have been vigorous in claiming her innocence, failed to post a bond,

David Aizprúa, Villamonte, said his client will spend Christmas in the cells of the DIJ (Investigation Department)  because he could not comply with the procedure required to post bail.

He explained that the bail paperwork takes time. Aizprúa said his client  had secured a private surety that would guarantee property as bail.

Villamonte has been detained since December 15 when three days of questioning began. The former official was charged with crimes against the environment for the  free titling  of 54 hectares of land in John Hombrón, Cocle.

Villamonte, who was a practicing lawyer before being awarded her government  job at Anati was also charged in the case of free patent of land in Paitilla, where the alleged owner César Segura was also charged. At that time the courts  imposed an injunction preventing her from leaving the country.

When the Paitialla scandal first came to light, Villamonte resigned, declaring her innocence. Her boss also resigned, but was later given a plum job overseas.