Taboga Sea Festival date change

 with Dra Lourdes Quijada

Organizing a new event is never easy, and no matter how much pre-planning goes into it, there’s never enough time.

 With only  a couple of weeks to go, Taboga’s Festival of the Sea has had to change its schedule.

Originally planned to run over three days from January 27-28, the non-profit event on the Island of Flowers will now kick off with a pre-festival launch on January 28, but the main events have been moved to March 17 and 18. That will give the organizers more time to attract sponsors and to attract the hoped for influx of US visitors primed by the New York Times listing of Panama as the number one place in the world to visit this year.

There  will be music and fun  for all ages, and an opportunity to experience life on this history enriched island which contains the second oldest church in Latin America, and is entwined with legends and facts  about fishing hauls and the one that got  away, about  buried treasure, pirates and buccaneers, French impressionist painter Paul Gaugin and much more. My own "got away" story  relates to schools of flying fish, I have twice seen them leap out of the water as I sat  on the beach, but I was  never able to get a photo.

Proceeds for the  event will help promote the dental health of islanders.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or hosting an event, or just want to make plans for two weekend outings contact:, Email:

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