High levels of chemicals in Chagres River basin

High levels of nitrate and phosphate found in the Chagres River basin could be a health risk especially to infants  says a newly released report.

Rolando Lee, chairman of the The Environmental Advisory Committee of Colon  issued the warning  following  a report released by scientists at the Environmental Quality Laboratory of Panama's Environmental Authority (ANAM). The report indicates that levels of these two minerals in rivers adjacent to the Chagres basin exceed the international reference standards for surface waters.

According to the commission, some of the causes of this contamination may be human settlements established without planning, livestock and agricultural and cement industries and quarries established close to the basin. 

Lee said that in the coming weeks the advisory committee will meet with various institutions to coordinate mitigation and prevention measures to avoid further increase in contamination.

Among those involved will be  the  aquatic resources division of Anam, The University of Panama, the Panama Canal Authority and the University of Technology.