Striking health workers claim intimidation.

Labor unions and doctors  of Panama’s Social Security Fund (CSS) have complained of a program of intimidation during the national strike that began three days ago.

Gerardo Gonzalez secretary general of the National Association of Administration of the Social Security Fund (Anfacss), reported"a series of threats" against the strike and a campaign of "persecution and intimidation" ordered by the director of the CSS, Guillermo Sáez-Llorens, against union leaders and workers participating in the protest.

Faced with this an indefinite strikein underway  which has been joined by other unions, said Gonzalez who stressed that the strike is "much stronger" because they are demanding the reinstatement of six dismissed workers and respect for the union and freedom of expression "as a condition" for any kind of negotiation with the authorities of the CSS.

The workers were dismissed for their alleged links to riots on Tuesday in a protest in hospitals in the Panama and Colon. which the deputy director of the CSS, Marlon de Sousa, described as "shameful and out of context."