In thunder lightning AND in rain Kiwanis labor for Kids Hospital

More than 65,000 disposable diapers courtesy of  a remarkable teaming of Kiwani’s volunteers reached the cash and space strapped Children’s Hospital in Panama on Friday, June 8.

The Woodlands' banner gets a dousing in Panama: Photo Henry Sanchez

The diapers were  collected in the U.S. by The Woodlands Texas (Houston) Kiwanis Club and arrived at the Hospital del Niño in a storm echoing the words of the witches of Endor “In thunder lightning or in rain” only for the Panama volunteers there was no “or”. They worked through torrential rain, thunder and lightning,  unloading seven pallets of diapers representing  more than a three months supply for the hospital. It was a culmination of a Woodlands Kiwanis project started in January and  coordinated by Club Kiwanis Canal de Panama, whose members of pitched in to help with the unpacking of the container.

Flying diapers: Photo Henry Sanchez

The Maersk container, and transshipment from the port of Manzanillo in Colon via the Panama Canal Railroad to Balboa, were all part of a transportation donation from Crane Worldwide Logistics.

Employees of the H E B Supermarket chain in Houston, Texas provided the collection points, wholesale purchasing power, and shrink-wrapped the diapers for loading. Crane Worldwide Logistics loaded them on seven "skids" and paid for all shipping and insurance from Houston to Panama.
 Former Kiwanis International President, Dr. Wil Blechman of Miami, founder of the Kiwanis "Young Children Priority One" program, said: "These diapers show what cooperation between clubs, volunteers, and nations can accomplish when there is a will to help kids."

 Dr Alberto Bissot takes deliverym of the first of the 65,000 diapers,

Panama Canal Authority Psychologist Manuel Ruiz, the President of Club Kiwanis Canal de Panama, said "we have regular 'Diaper-Thons' around Panama, at Rey, Super 99, and other locations and it helps the Hospital but this effort allows a reserve supply."

 The administrator of the Children's Hospital Dr. Alberto Bissot told reporters "at times our hospital and clinic patients use as many as 25,000 diapers a month, so this is a wonderful and valuable contribution from the Kiwanis."
 The donation of Kiwanis diapers came during a mixed news week for the Hospital.


On the plus side, superstar Jennifer Lopez and her family foundation donated four medical information units to the hospital a week before her much anticipated Panama concert appearance. The units enable the hospital to connect with other pediatric hospitals and obtain advice and assistance in the treatment of patients.

On the downside, and emphasizing the staffing and budget shortages at the Children's Hospital, came reports of  overcrowding in the facilities as a wave of bronchial cases has hit the emergency unit since May, with staff attending to some 450 patients a day, with about 14 of every 100 being admitted. The hospital usually treats between 8,000 and 12,000 a month.
Club Kiwanis Canal de Panama meets 5:30pm every Wednesday in their Diablo Heights clubhouse in front of the EDIOACC building on the first floor next to Supermercado Gourmet. For more information contact Manuel Ruiz,, cell phone 6590-3661.