Anam can re-establish protection for wetlands -Supreme Court

Panama’s Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) said Wednesday, June 13 that ANAM (the National Environmental Authority)  may establish new protections in the Bay of Panama and  in Donoso, Colón.

The announcement comes after a lower court ordered the temporary  lifting of protection orders  given by ANAM in 2009, provoking outrage in the environmental community amid fears of a surge of development in areas protected against flooding by mangrove swamps, also home to many species of wild life.

The orders were annulled because there had been no public consultation.

 According to the ruling, the only consultation that took place was in the village of Cocle del Norte and not the entire district of Donosco. The Supreme Court’s  statement came a day after .Anam spoke on the subject through spokesman, Silvano Vergara.

He said that in that the Panama Bay mangrove wetlands was a site under  international protection because it was so declared in 2003. “ Anam has been creating protected areas throughout its existence because it believes they are important sites to be protected and because we want to give that protection," said Vergara.

He added:"The judiciary is another body, , which has suspended that decision and we cannot say it  is wrong.. We have to abide by and comply with the procedures to find, if possible, ways to restore the protectione through other mechanisms. that may exist."

The Supreme Court said:  "These areas are safeguarded by international provisions, such as the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar Convention)”

The news of the  original lifting of the protection coincided with the announcement that fines for illegal cutting of mangroves, and the cost of  permits to developers had been slashed.

The two decisions created a perfect storm for environmental groups who launched a public campaign, including demonstrations in front of the court and planned a march united with opponents of the Unesco flouting causeway  to carry a six lane highway being built around Casco Viejo.