Opposition to new judicial chamber growing

Protestors from many sectors of Panamanian society will take part in a march on the National Assembly on Monday, June 18, to protest the creation of a 5th judicial chamber.

They believe that the chamber, with it’s three judges hand picked by President Ricardo Martinelli  to rule on constitutional issues is a back door to legalizing his way to remain in office. 
Environmentalists, civil society organizations organized, independent citizens, medical leadership and unions agree that Monday in protest against the Assembly Room V, the sale of shares in joint ventures, among other activities of government Ricardo Martinelli.
National Medical Negotiating Commission (Comenenal), consisting of more than a dozen medical associations, also announced that it will support the actions of the front in defense of democracy.
Magaly Castillo, Alliance for Justice, which brings together 15 other groups, confirmed that the legislative will to oppose the V Room, according to the opposition and civil society, open the door for re-election.
Meanwhile, the President of the Assembly reacted with a maneuver. Decided to reschedule sessions on Monday, from 3:30 pm to 9:00 am
The ruling Democratic Change, meanwhile, issued a statement criticizing the opposition and named "crusade Noriega”