Forced attendance at happy family rally

While public servants claim they have been forced to attend a  rally in support of President Ricard Martinelli a government minister says people will arrive to show him "the people are with you."

The Minister of Labor and Workforce Development, Alma Cortés said on Saturday, June 30, 50,000 Democratic Change supporters will be in the Plaza 5 de Mayo to mark Marfinelli’s three years in office.

"We expect thousands of party members, friends, family, people who want to be present at the time that Ricardo Martinelli, our president, will address the nation and give a report on the progress of the fulfillment of his works … his unforgettable  these three years, "said the minister on RPC Radio.

“This event is important because in addition to sharing as a family, we want to tell President Ricardo Martinelli  we are with you," she said.

Asked about the complaint  made by the National Federation of Public Servants, indicating officials  have been forced to attend the activity in exchange for keeping their jobs, Cortez said they going because they want to.

After a formal meeting in the Assembly the president  will go to his party and friends as well as those who "still believe in him," said Cortez.

"Enough with the insults, epithets, and  accusations without foundationand we  should  sit together to discuss the direction the country, creating conditions to continue to maintain stability, economic growth, and social development”