Ex AG from scandal plagued office bids for judge’s role

A former  Attorney General who resigned in the midst of a narco traffic scandal reaching deep into his office was the first out of the gate to make a bid to become an Electoral Tribunal  (TE)  judge. 

Giuseppe Bonissi presented his documents to replace Electoral Judge Gerardo Solis on Wednesday Aug 1. Solis leaves office   in November.

Bonissi arrived at 8:00 am at the headquarters of the courthouse and gave his papers to the Secretariat of the Supreme Court.

He said he wants the position to serve the country and has the necessary skills after 30 years of experience in the field of law.

Bonissi, who resigned as attorney general in December 2010, admitted that  he agreed with the adoption of controversial electoral reforms  promoted by the CD party.  

He said he did not to fear a challenge to his  actions as Attorney General, as his performance as the Attorney's Office was transparent.

Labor Minister, Alma Cortez, said Wednesday that she  has considered running for the office of TE judge but at this time is not on her "list".

Professional opinion is that the new judge must have extensive experience in electoral matters and participating in electoral campaigns and "who knows how to organize a campaign and to introduce new approaches.